Hello, I’m Shelby and I’m The Nap Nurse.

I live in Southern Tasmania with my husband, two daughters and our mischievous pup Murphy.
As well as being a certified Infant and Child Sleep Specialist, I’m also an Enrolled Nurse. I’ve been working within the community for several years providing care to vulnerable people.

As a nurse I have the knowledge and understanding of what sleep deprivation does to your body and mind. As a mum I’ve experienced it first hand. I have a passion for health and wellbeing, especially for first time mums.

Sleep is important – for everyone, but especially babies. Babies go through rapid growth and development both physically and mentally within the first few years of their lives and none more so than the first 12 months of life.

Every baby is unique and special. That’s what makes me different to other sleep consultants, I take that into account to provide a custom plan specifically for you and your baby so you don’t have to go searching for the answers. I’m here to help.

The Nap Nurse uses scientific researched and evidence based best practice to help your family get the sleep they need. I am well educated in all methods of sleep training and suggest which method would be best for your needs as a family. I do not prefer one method over another, nor will I suggest you chose a method that does not meet your personal philosophy.

You don’t have to spend hours rocking and patting your baby to sleep for all naps and overnight. Nor do you have to lay them in their cot, close the door and walk away to let them cry until morning. If something is not working for your or your family, things need to change but you don’t know where to start – The Nap Nurse will help you chose a method of sleep training and support you to implement it.

The term ‘Sleep Training’ often rubs people up the wrong the way. They think of it like training a dog to do tricks, to sit and stay. I look at it this way; when you play sport, you train to get the best at it you possible can. You run laps, do drills, read or research new skills and practice to improve your game. Sleep training is exactly that – giving parents the tools to put into practice to help their babies be able to fall asleep, stay asleep and wake up happy and rested. Who doesn’t want that?

The Nap Nurse does NOT make any guarantees. BUT, I do make promises. I promise to give you all the information and tools to be able to help you and your family and I promise that there is a light at the end of the tunnel – whichever way you chose to sleep train your baby, The Nap Nurse is right by your side.